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The time of journalists is quick and in 1992 the time of the politicians was quick also. Václav Havel announced his president candidacy and I didn’t feel like intruding upon him - there was so much time ahead of us, or wasn’t it? 

So the portrait I had ready for him, didn’t end up in president’s hands neither in first five years of his presidency, nor between 1998 and 2003. 

11 years after the photograph has been created and 11 years after it has resided in a drawer, I felt it was the right time to present it to the president and not to be considered another paparazzi invading his privacy. Which was the case when Mr. president was a seriously ill man, chased by the Czech boulevard media. I passed by his new office couple times but I never rang the bell. I had enough time now that he is not the Czech president anymore! 

After 18 years I had the privilege to document in 3D format a play Leaving (Czech title: Odcházení) written by Vaclav Havel. It was played in Archa Theatre and it was the end of June 2010. I felt that it could make him happy - as a drama expert. To see the first Czech 3D digital photo-record of a theatre play. But then Václav Havel started to shoot his first feature film film Leaving where he worked as a director and I thought he was far too busy for me to bother him. 

After 19 years, 18.12.2011, my president died to me and I will never have the chance to give him the photographs again. What is the lesson to be learnt from this? If you want to endow someone with pure heart, do it right away. Before he dies and your eyes cover with tears as it is happening to me right now. I am indebted to you, Mister President! Without you knowing it.. 

Post scriptum: Truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred! 


Roman Sejkot, 19.12.2011, translation 6.6.2012.